Where it all began…
Our story began over 15 years ago with a little family vacation to Northern Michigan. We are originally from Geneva, IL having moved there in 1993. Our busy lives were composed of work, children in school; extracurricular activities; and sports. With each visit, we noticed there was Illinois time and Michigan time. We welcomed the chance to decompress, relax, and slow down to a Michigan pace and quickly immersed ourselves in the culture. Thus, we built a log home along with our children from the ground up, cultivating roots near Traverse City. Our attachment to Northern Michigan was visceral, wanting to experience all it had to offer. We soon discovered Old Mission Peninsula and Leelanau wineries that challenged the perception that only the finest wines can be made in California, France, or Italy. These areas sit on or near the 45th parallel of latitude, which has been a geographical marker for particularly good conditions for winemaking.
As we have grown to love Northern Michigan wines and the family owned wineries that make them, it is this very passion that inspired myself & my daughter to bring the Northern Michigan experience home to Geneva, IL and share it with all of you. It is our mission to welcome our guests into a space that offers exceptional wines in a destination style environment that says, “slow down, relax, stay awhile…” Our story only continues and these next chapters include all of you.
Cathy Humphreys & Amy Goedken